Finally! So sorry for taking so long with one. In this whopper of an episode( by my standards) I explains my absense. I talk about my time at the 2008 NY Comiccon. I give reviews on Wildcats: Worlds End #1, Authority: Worlds End #1, Gen13 #21, and StormWatch PHD #13, which is filled with spoilers but I neglected to mention that in the recording. I annouce the shows first contest. Then I go over the solicitations for February's WildStorm Titles.
Contest: " Who are the original members of Team 7?"
Simply answer that question above and send it to me by December 31, 2008, either by email, audio comment, or PM me, and your name goes into a hat and I will ramdomly pick a winner. The winner will recieve ; Wildcats: Worlds End #1, Authority: Worlds End #1, Gen13 #21, StormWatch PHD #13, and Team 7 #1 (from the 1994 series)
1(914)595-6629 (comment line)
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