Hey, Storm Watchers
I did a recording over the weekend but and before I could save it Audacity closed out on me. I guess you get what you pay for. Audacity is a free program. I was able to find temporary files of what I recorded but it's all in pieces. I am going to try to piece it back together. If not, I'll just rerecord it. Lesson learned I guess, next time I'll have a back up recorder on, Like my iRiver.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008

There's a new WildStorm on the horizon. From all the hints and revelations from WildStorm's recent events and the currently running Number of the Beast miniseries, a change is in store that will leave the figures in the WildStorm Universe reeling from its effect. Earlier, WS Senior Editor Ben Abernathy revealed to Newsarama in an exclusive interview the launch of three new series spinning out of the events of Number of the Beast, and today we talk with the writer of one of them: WildCats: Worlds End writer Christos Gage.
Christos Gage has quickly risen through the ranks of comics, becoming one of the hottest writers out there who's not under an exclusive. He's writing for DC, he's writing for Marvel and he's one of the key creators in the recent months in the WildStorm universe. In 2006, he debuted the twelve-issue series Stormwatch: Post Human Division, and later he wrote an acclaimed issue of Midnighter and did the WildCats: Armageddon one shot. Just recently he put The Authority at odds with Stormwatch PHD in Authority: Prime, bringing a return of the monstrous Henry Bendix.And today, we talk to him about the new Wildcats series he's launching with artist Neil Googe.
Newsarama: Ok, let's break it open, Christos. What is the new Wildcats series about?
Christos Gage: It's about the Wildcats.
NRAMA: … oh no, it's going to be one of those.
CG: Okay, I'm not going to be THAT coy. But I don't want to spoil the currently running Number Of The Beast series, by Scott Beatty and Chris Sprouse, so I can't spill everything. I will say that the premise is something I don't believe has ever been done in an ongoing superhero book before. Fans of every era of the Wildcats, from the early Image period to Alan Moore's run to Joe Casey's Wildcats 3.0, will find nods to those classic issues. But our goal, while respecting the past, is to blaze new trails, so those who have never read a Wildcats comic before have a perfect opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something really exciting.
NRAMA: Now you're speaking my language. The solicitation promises a "wholly new vision" for the Wildcats. What would that be?
CG: Well, judging from the cover art, Los Angeles isn't in very good shape at all. Something earth-shattering has happened. The Wildcats have to deal with a radical new status quo in the WildStorm Universe. Is it something they can undo? Or are they just picking up the pieces and helping the survivors as best they can? At the core of the book is this question: What does a team of world-savers do when they've failed to save the world?
NRAMA: There's also mention of the classic Wildcats team – when I think classic, I go all the way back to the classic 1992 first issue. Am I far off, or will we be seeing some old faces like Emp and Warblade?
CG: Not Emp. The prior Wildcats series are still in continuity, meaning that Emp has moved on to a higher state of being. But, yes, Warblade is there, along with Maul, Zealot, Grifter, Voodoo, and a version of Spartan who looks similar to his old-school self. But there are new faces as well, including Nemesis and the new Backlash...and of course Maxine Manchester, aka Ladytron, is making her triumphant and psychotic return!
NRAMA: Ladytron's probably one of Alan Moore's most sustaining contributions to the WildStorm Universe. Good pick, Christos.You're working on this series with artist Neil Googe, who just completed some breakout work on WildStorm's Welcome to Tranquility. Seeing how the art is such a big part of a comic – some would say the most important – what's it like knowing your scripts will be served up with Neil drawing it?
CG: It's fantastic. I was a huge fan of what Neil did on Welcome To Tranquility, which is one of my favorite new books of recent years...but I think he's stepped up his game even more with Wildcats! His style has become edgier and more detailed. Check out his cover to #1--that's what you can expect. His art is incredibly intricate, powerful, and tells the story perfectly. And his designs for the characters are right on target. Maxine, Maul--really, all of them--look perfect, truly embodiments of who they are as characters. It's terrific stuff.
NRAMA: This series also promises a back-up story by you and artist Trevor Hairsine. What's the back-up about?
CG: The backup is about John Lynch--the original John Lynch from Team Seven. It concerns his renewed struggle with an arch-enemy...one of the preeminent villains in the WildStorm Universe. Hairsine' art on this one is a real treat.
NRAMA: How does this fit in with the postponed Wildcats series by Grant Morrison and Jim Lee?
CG: Judging from what Jim Lee has said recently, I believe that series--which is planned to be completed as a six-issue miniseries--is no longer in continuity. I think it's basically "All-Star Wildcats" now. But you'd have to check with Jim to be sure.
NRAMA: We'll definitely be talking to Jim. Christos, 've been a big part in charting this new day and age in the WildStorm U, writing Armageddon and the recent Authority: Prime miniseries. How does this series play into that?
CG: Our series is informed by what's come before, and the new status quo is set up to a large degree in those titles. But this is a new beginning, and new readers will be able to pick up Wildcats #1 and get all the information they need to enjoy the story on its own merits. Having said that, Wildcats: Armageddon especially has an effect on the new ongoing, so interested parties may want to check out the just-released WildStorm: Armageddon TPB!
NRAMA: And speaking larger, as one of the architects of this new WildStorm age – how would you describe it as a whole?
CG: Very exciting. The creative teams of the books are bold and top-notch, perfectly suited to their titles. We're taking an approach that, as I said, I can't recall seeing in a superhero universe before, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. Also, I just want to say that editor Ben Abernathy is determined that these books will come out on time. Most of them have multiple issues already in the can--and they don't ship until summer! I've read them, and it's excellent stuff. I know many readers were disappointed with the delays of Wildcats and Authority last time around, but I hope they'll give these books a shot...they'll be on time, and they'll be good. Pick up the first issues and see for yourself!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Follow the gripping survival story in four on-going titles: WILDCATS, AUTHORITY, STORMWATCH PHD, and GEN13, all featuring a serialized back-up story further expanding on this bleak new world illustrated by some of the top names in the industry!
Check This 9 page! preview of

Written by Christos Gage; Art by Neil Googe and Trevor Hairsine; Covers by Neil Googe
And here what else to expect from WORLD'S END!

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning; Art & cover by Simon Coleby; Back-up art Trevor Hairsine
The Authority have survived the cataclysmic events following Number of the Beast-but only just barely! Do they have a hope of rebuilding their "finer world" or is that the memory of a dead age? This will be open an astounding new direction for the series!

GEN 13 #21
Written by Scott Beatty; Art & cover by Mike Huddleston; Back-up art Trevor Hairsine
Look before you leap! After jumping through an I.O. teleportation device at the close of their last adventure, the Gen13 kids find themselves in a radically changed world that they NEVER expected! The fallout from Number of the Beast continues as the epic "Teenage Wasteland" begins!

Written by Ian Edginton; Art by Leandro Fernandez & Francisco Paronzini: Cover by Fernandez; Back-up art by Trevor Hairsine
After the shattering conclusion to Number of the Beast, Jackson King has once again resumed the role of Weatherman and takes StormWatch in a dramatic new direction! But what role does StormWatch have in this dramatic, deadly new world?

Wildstorm Productions and DC are working hard to bring game comics to the masses, including a newly-announced Gears of War 2 comic due out this fall. Along with the previously annouced Prototype comic due out in August.
Gears of War 2 will enjoy a thorough lead-in via a comic rather than a demo, which, like many game novels, will help to fill in the little details about the world prior to the game's release. "Epic sets the bar very high, in graphics, story, and gameplay," said Wildstorm's Hank Kanalz. "…expect no less from our series, starting with our lead-in arc that fills in the gaps between the first game and the upcoming sequel."
Gears of War 2 will enjoy a thorough lead-in via a comic rather than a demo, which, like many game novels, will help to fill in the little details about the world prior to the game's release. "Epic sets the bar very high, in graphics, story, and gameplay," said Wildstorm's Hank Kanalz. "…expect no less from our series, starting with our lead-in arc that fills in the gaps between the first game and the upcoming sequel."

Thursday, April 17, 2008
I patched this one up using my iRiver. I get right into some show updates, I give a shout out to two new podcast. Comictube and Gotham Knights(check them out!) I do a Forecast where I go over recent news and a new Almanac going over the July, 2008 solicits. I do a Quick WildShots, Reviewing Number of the Beast. Hope to see some of you at NY Comic Con. Thanks to Derek Coward! Enjoy! ...and Keep your eye on the Storm!
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
And The Nominees Are!...
These are the nominees for the 2008 Eisner Awards as related to WildStorm...
Best Writer: • Brian K. Vaughan (Y: THE LAST MAN, EX MACHINA, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Best Publication Design: • HEROES VOL. 1, designed by John Roshell/Comicraft (OCT078349 — available for reorder)
For the Full list check here
Best Writer: • Brian K. Vaughan (Y: THE LAST MAN, EX MACHINA, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Best Publication Design: • HEROES VOL. 1, designed by John Roshell/Comicraft (OCT078349 — available for reorder)
For the Full list check here
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Press Release
DC Comics, the largest English language comic book publisher in the world, and Sierra Entertainment – a division of Vivendi Games, today announced plans to publish an all-new comic book series based on the eagerly anticipated and already highly acclaimed open-world/action video game PROTOTYPE™. The series is set to debut this August via DC’s WildStorm imprint, and the addition of such unique, original IP video games like PROTOTYPE is sure to increase their successful line of best-selling comics based on licensed properties. Further details surrounding the new comic book series will be announced later this year.
DC Comics, the largest English language comic book publisher in the world, and Sierra Entertainment – a division of Vivendi Games, today announced plans to publish an all-new comic book series based on the eagerly anticipated and already highly acclaimed open-world/action video game PROTOTYPE™. The series is set to debut this August via DC’s WildStorm imprint, and the addition of such unique, original IP video games like PROTOTYPE is sure to increase their successful line of best-selling comics based on licensed properties. Further details surrounding the new comic book series will be announced later this year.
PROTOTYPE puts gamers in control of Alex Mercer – a genetically mutated shape-shifter with no memory of his past hell-bent on solving the mystery of his existence – as he tears through a densely populated New York City moving with Parkour-style fluidity and consuming anybody that gets in his way…assuming their physical identity, memories and abilities. Fueled by a three way war between Alex, the military and its elite Blackwatch division, and a viral outbreak known as the Infected, players will venture deep into a dark conspiracy 40 years in the making.
“PROTOTYPE is all about shape-shifting action, and we’re using that key element to redefine the open-world game space,” said Al Simone, Sr. VP of Global Marketing, Sierra Entertainment. “Another key feature setting PROTOTYPE apart from other open-world games is its incredibly deep, conspiracy-based back-story, and by joining forces with the largest comic book publisher in the world – DC Comics – we can bring this new anti-hero and his tale to an even wider audience of comics fans and gamers alike.”
“We’re blown away with what Sierra and developer Radical Entertainment have shown us of PROTOTYPE, and know with absolute certainty that this will make for a terrific comic book,” said Hank Kanalz, VP & General Manager, WildStorm. “PROTOTYPE’s back-story, visuals and gameplay are stunning, and we have every intention of bringing those core pillars to our book because this is a great opportunity to expand on the world they’ve created, and build something new and interesting for comics fans.”
PROTOTYPE delivers a fresh take on open-world games, with key features separating the game from the rest of the pack, including the anti-hero main character Alex Mercer and his deadly shape-shifting abilities, a stunning representation of New York City circa 2008 as the backdrop, and ‘Deceive or Destroy’ gameplay allowing players the choice to either blend in with the population or fully unleash Alex’s deadly powers. With Radical Entertainment behind the wheel using their innovative ‘Titanium’ game engine, and touting a catalog of successful titles including the highly acclaimed The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, Simpsons Hit & Run and others, PROTOTYPE is aligned to be the ground-breaking open-world/action experience gamers have been waiting for.
PROTOTYPE is planned to release this fall for next-gen console systems and the PC, and is currently rated “RP” (Rating Pending) by the ESRB. For more information on PROTOTYPE, be sure to visit the official game website located at http://www.prototypegame.com/ .
Monday, April 7, 2008
5x5! Sorry, I know I said Saturday or Sunday. I was having a technical difficulty...
anyhoo... This is a quick one with a short "Forecast" a new "WildShots" reviewing The New Dynamix. and a new "Into the Wild" giving an overview of Welcome to Tranquility: Armageddon and Wetworks: Armageddon.
Download Here
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Hey Storm Watchers!
We have a new forum set up at thecomicforums.com thanks to Peter Rios. This will now be the main area for talking about the show or Wildstorm, but I'll still be updating the old forum I set up with the Ning portal, The Wednesday Society.
We have a comment line now 1(914) 595-6629. So be dailing! Leave a comment about the show or a review of a Wildstorm book or whatever you want to talk about.
I will be at the New York Comic Con! I will be there mainly as a spectator but I will be bringing my iRiver along and hopefully do some recording for the show. Special thanks to David Price of Marvel Noise.
Episode 5 will be up either Saturday night or Sunday.
We have a new forum set up at thecomicforums.com thanks to Peter Rios. This will now be the main area for talking about the show or Wildstorm, but I'll still be updating the old forum I set up with the Ning portal, The Wednesday Society.
We have a comment line now 1(914) 595-6629. So be dailing! Leave a comment about the show or a review of a Wildstorm book or whatever you want to talk about.
I will be at the New York Comic Con! I will be there mainly as a spectator but I will be bringing my iRiver along and hopefully do some recording for the show. Special thanks to David Price of Marvel Noise.
Episode 5 will be up either Saturday night or Sunday.
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